Monday, December 31, 2012

End of 2012

its been a lonnggg and somewhat stressful year with my wedding that took place june 2 2012. It was the most fun thing to plan somewhat but the awesome thing was planning the surprise dance for my hubby in the reception which he did not know about at all!!!! I hope yall have an blssed and awesome new years eve!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Preparations for a Dancer

A dancer should always be prepared. I first thing a dancer should be doing is after finding the song that God wants you to is by reading the Word because if you don’t have the word in you when you dance nothing is going to come out. Example when I lift my hands - the scripture - - will come out of you when u are doing the movements & even more so the anointing will be even stronger when you are studying in the word of God be for you go & minister in dance!!! Second thing – practice practice practice!!! There are some dancers that have different methods of doing this! I know of a dancer that doesn’t practice at all but God gives her the movements right even when she is ministering in dance but there are some dancers like me that need practice – time to choreograph the dance.


Dance isn't a form it's a way of life!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Expanding my Dancing Fields

Im trying to expand my dancing experiences into new genres of dance like hip hop , jew etc. The reason why im doing this is because i what to try to reach out to many different type of people that might only listen to one specific type of music. SO i am now doing hip hop but want to expand as far as i can learn different styles of dancing that is out there.


Dance isn't a form it's a way of life!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Dance Styles

Im wanting to try new styles of dancing !!! I want to spread my dance horizon to more than I am already doing something like hip hop or contemporary something that I didn’t think of trying before! I  want to see if I can challenge myself & see if I can master that one specific dance style!


Dance isn't a form it's a way of life!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Season

As I start a new season within the bannering / Dance ministry I feel in my spirit that we are going to be doing a lot of dancing more than before! So im getting prepared buy getting new ballet shoes ( just the regular kind) & getting a lot of dance practice clothes too like loose fitting pants tops & of course legwarmers for the winter as well as dance paws!

Dance isn't a form it's a way of life!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Don't Want To Be Boring AnyMore!

Sometimes i feel totally bored just dancing to one particular genre of music.
Sometimes when i do feel that what i think that i bore the people at the bible study that i dance at & continue to. Even though there are alot of songs within that one music genre that i can minister through. But im not saying that i just pick the song without seeking Gods guidance for it. 
Its just that i want to expand my ministering into different music genres! A family member was telling me that i should just stay with the music genre that i have been dancing to & ministering through & not try the others because the people(at this bible study) don't what to hear that type of music or they are not use to it. BUT i do have to say this though ~ don't let someone talk you into or convincing something that isn't true just like what i shared above. But the bible study leader always tells me to go with what God has guided me to or shown me what song to do. Just because a group of people are just used to this type of music genre doesn't mean that someone in the group will hate it but actually like it instead! Or even the whole group will love!  You just have to step out in faith!!


Dance isn't a form it's a way of life!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Element Mastered

I went to North Padre Island in the summer of 2009. Sand is somewhat difficult to dance on & it sinks when it gets wet it not only sinks but becomes kinda like mud alittle but which is kinda good for doing spits on it. I would say that sand is an ever moving surface & sometimes it is difficult to dance on but when learned how it can be fun to. If you were going to shoot a dance in full praise dance wear I would say that try a few turns , jumps or anything that is hard to do on wood floor or any floor in fact! You might what to shoot it a few times because of the wind / ocean noises !!! †GodsGirl†

Dance isn't a form it's a way of life!