Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi EveryOne,

I have found this website that might help you out if you are a ballet teacher or a ballet student.
This website has free let me say that again FREE ballet class music & not only that but it is organized in the different warm-up exercises that you would have your students do / you would do in your classes. You get the full length of the songs. But i had to figure out how to download them. Here is how u do that : you go to the category that u want then u click on it & a list comes down & then click on the song that u want. then go up to the upper right hand side of the page & right click it. when the box comes up before u save it add this .mp3 & then find a folder or make a new folder to save it in & then save it in that folder you have chosen.
Let me tell you that the website is not completely done but there is enough songs to practice @ home if u are a student or if u are a teacher u can use these songs for your class.
There is a message on the website that tells you that the own/ web builder is going to add more selections & more categories to it.
Here is the link to the website.

Monday, October 19, 2009

2hrs + Pointes = Sore Toes!!

I learned the hard way even tho im a dancer sometimes we ( dancers) have to sometimes learn the hard way.
Always practice a few days before the day you have to dance. If not well in my cause my toes started to getting sore!!! & they are still sore kinda. The next day was even worse that yesterday!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dance Moves

Don't u hate it when u lose a dance move or can't remember how to do it.
well it has happened to me last nite! I know how do to the move but apparently my body doesn't! LOL I'm soo frustrated about this. It was a dance move that i use to do a lot but then i stopped using it & now i can't get my body to finish the landing. The part that i have trouble in is in the air when I'm switching legs. I guess u have to practice all the moves or else u will lose them! :(

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dancer's Body

Dancers have to stretch each day or each other day if not they will lose their flexibility specifically if u are trying to do a full spilt!!! If u are a non-dancer here’s a little insight for us dancers. Just like any athletes we to have to stay fit & watch what we eat as well.
When we are in different dance positions ( or when u are spinning or doing any type of dance move) all that weight on or in us is putting more pressure on the joints than normal or than a normal body can stand pressure on the joints.
That is why we have to be in the best shape that we can be in specifically dancers that are on pointe!!!
I really need to get into a routine every day or at least every other day to stretch for a good amount of time then increase that time as well also get on the right path of eating : a healthy way of eating!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dance IT OUT !!!

How many dancers out there; When u are going through something and the only thing u can do to feel better about it is to dance it out.?.
I know it works for me! I just pop one of yolanda Adams CDs in that is relating to my situation & after I feel MUCH better than when the situation was just starting up.